WAPDA Pro Rata Billing System, DISCOS Pro Rata Billing Formula, What is Pro Rata Consumption, ProRata

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WAPDA Pro Rata Billing System, DISCOS Pro Rata Billing Formula, What is Pro Rata Consumption, ProRata

No. 12(35)/2018-DISCO-II

Islamabad March 27, 2024


In the recent past, NEPRA conducted an inquiry on the issue of excessive billing across the distribution companies in Pakistan. The prime issue highlighted in the report include an analysis of billing of domestic consumer where monthly readings were taken beyond the 30-days billing cycle. The delayed meter reading lead to inflated bills for lower-usage consumers, thereby changing their category from protected to unprotected consumers, change of lower to higher tariff slabs and shift of consumers from lifeline consumers to non-lifeline consumers. 

2. In order to protect individual rights of consumers and to restrain delayed meter readings leading towards inflated bills a mechanism is Proposed for pro-rata billing. In the instances where the billing month exceeds calendar month days due to gazette / public holidays, religious celebrations, or climatic hazards, consumers should be billed on a pro-rata basis for the number of days in a calendar month. The duties & responsibilities of DISCOs and PITC are outlines as under:

DISCOs and PITC Responsibilities:

a) DISCOs should provide mobile sets with the latest Mobile Meter Reading (MMR) software to all meter readers. This software should enable the recording of the actual meter reading date, accompanied by geo-fencing capabilities,

b) DISCOs should establish an in-house mechanism and allocate resources to field formations to ensure that the monthly billing cycle does not exceed the days of the calendar month.

c) Ifthe number of billing days surpasses or falls short of the billing cycle calendar month days, the monthly billing should be adjusted on a pro-rata basis by the billing software, considering the actual number of days in a calendar month. Any remaining units for the exceeded or decreased days should be carried forward and adjusted in subsequent billing cycles.

d) During the subsequent billing cycle, it is imperative for the meter reader to perform the meter reading on the scheduled date, aiming to alleviate any impact on overall consumer billing caused by undercharging or overcharging in the preceding billing cycle. This protocol ensures that billing adheres to the parameters of calendar month days encompassing any previously exceeded or decreased days. Starting from the third billing cycle, consumer billing should be strictly based on calendar month days. Failure to adhere to this vital procedure may perpetuate an ongoing cycle of billing discrepancies

e) The actual meter reading, as captured in the meter reading snap, will differ from the meter reading posted on a pro-rata basis in case of exceeding calendar month days. To create consumer awareness, the following paragraph should be printed on the bill under the meter snapshot:

f) "The present reading is posted on a pro-rata basis to keep consumption within calendar month days instead of being recorded on the snap.

g) The actual reading date, as captured in the meter reading snap, should be printed in the "Reading Date" column on electricity bills, rather than relying on the reading date from the billing schedule.

h) Introduce a special code in the "meter status" column indicating that the reading is restricted to "billing cycle days." This code should also be reflected in the billing history of E-Bills, providing visibility into previous reading cycle trends.

i) Generate a list containing the mentioned codes in each batch to evaluate and monitor the performance of field staff effectively.

j) Disciplinary action should be initiated against officers and officials who fail to manage monthly billing within calendar month days. This should also be added to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the officers.

3. DISCOs and PITC are also required to take appropriate steps to implement the mechanism.

(Musafa Nazar)
Section Officer (DISCO-Il)
Tele: 051-9214273
Distribution: -
1. Chief Executive Officers of all DISCOs.
2. Chief Executive Officers PITC, Lahore.
3. Additional Secretary-I, Ministry of Energy (Power Division), Islamabad. ‘
4. Registrar NEPRA, NEPRA Tower, Attaturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad.4. The General Manager (R&CO), PPMC, Islamabad.

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